AUDI 18201 P1793 - Speed sensor 2 / G196 no signal
If you have connected the diagnostic computer and error code 18201 or P1793 received, it means that the automatic transmission control is probably damaged.
Solve Audi Multitronic problems with overhaul at low costs
If you have problems with the Multitronic transmission of your Audi, you naturally want an overhaul at low cost. In case of problems, we always offer you an overhaul at an affordable price for the Multitronic, which is solved in no time. The main indication that there are problems with your Audi's Multitronic is when your vehicle's ECU is scanned with diagnostic equipment. You will often also see the PRNDS light flashing on your dashboard and sometimes it is not possible to switch.
Audi 18201 P1793 Speed Sensor 2 G196 No Signal
Repair form
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- Pack the device and send it by post to ABS Control Devices
- Please include the completed REPAIR FORM
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