DQ200 U0101 Communication between Transmission Control Module not possible
How can you fix error code U0101?
DSG DQ200 fault code U0101 is a serious fault that must be rectified as soon as possible to prevent further damage to the gearbox.
The solution depends on the location and diagnosis of the problem. In some cases, the problem can be solved by checking and replacing the fuse, wiring, connectors, or the Transmission Control Module (TCM).
How much does it cost to repair a TCM DQ200 DSG gearbox?
The cost of repairing a DQ200 transmission with a defective Transmission Control Module (TCM) is significantly less than purchasing a new part. Replacing the mechatronics with a new one can cost 3,000 euros.
Our alternative is the repair of defective mechatronics DQ200 . The repair eliminates factory production errors. The price for repairing only the Transmission Control Module (TCM) DQ200 without installation in your car ranges from 350 to 450 euros. The price for repairing a defective mechatronics DQ200 with installation is 1000-1500 euros.
Regular maintenance prevents more serious malfunctions. Change the oil every 40-60 thousand kilometers. It is also worth performing computer diagnostics at each visit to the service center. Find your part by part number.
DQ200 U0101 no communication between Transmission Control Module
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