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6683 Producten
Easytronic Opel P1730 Gear Control Malfunction
Easytronic Opel P1729 Shift Motor Electrical Malfunction
Easytronic Opel P1728 Shift Motor Mechanical Malfunction
Easytronic Opel P1735 Parameters versnellingsbak niet ingeleerd
Easytronic Opel P1609 Clutch Actuator Position Sensor
Staat er op deze site geen informatie over het specifieke defect van uw auto-onderdeel, neem dan contact met ons. De kans is groot dat we u toch kunnen helpen.
Easytronic Opel P1700 Transmission Indeterminate Failure
Easytronic Opel P1607 Clutch actuator malfunction
ABS pomp Opel C0110 Pump Motor Circuit Malfunction
ABS pomp Opel C0131 Pressure Sensor Incorrect Signal
ABS pomp Opel C0131 Pressure Sensor Circuit Malfunction
ABS pomp Mitsubishi C2116 Pompmotor lage spanning
ABS pomp Mitsubishi C1364 Brake Pressure Sensor
ABS pomp Mitsubishi C1361 Remdruksensor defect
ABS pomp Mitsubishi C121E Brake pressure sensor circuit
ABS pomp Mitsubishi C121D Brake Fluid Pressure Sensor Circuit
ABS pomp Mitsubishi C1073 ABS Pump Motor Control Circuit
ABS pomp Mitsubishi C2116 Voltage pump motor faulty
ABS pomp Mitsubishi C2116 Abnormality in power supply voltage
ABS pomp Mitsubishi 4670A348
Mercedes P1875 CAN communication ESP
Mercedes P1872 CAN signal from gear regognition module faulty
7G-Tronic Mercedes 2205 (8709) Component Y3/8n1 turbine speed sensor
7G-Tronic Mercedes 2204 (8708) The signal from component Y3/8n1
7G-Tronic Mercedes 2200 (8704) The signal from component Y3/8n2
7G-Tronic Mercedes 2768 (10088) Component Y3/8n2 internal speed sensor is defective